What are the top five questions new parents had about Cub Scouting when they first joined?
Adventure of Scouting
In Cub Scouting you’ll have lots of fun, adventure, and activities with your family and friends. But there’s more to it than that. Being a Cub Scout means you are a member of a worldwide youth movement that stands for certain values and beliefs. Cub Scouting is more than something to do. It’s learning while doing and building values along the way.
What Is Cub Scouting?
What do Cub Scouts do? How old are they? What awards can they earn? Look here for quick answers.
Cub Scout Values
As a Cub Scout, you do your best and you help others. You learn the Scout Oath and the Scout Law. You also learn what they mean and how to apply them in life all while having fun with friends.
Cub Scout Uniform
Wearing uniforms has been a method of the Scouting movement from the beginning. Click HERE for uniform details.
The Cub Scout Program
The Cub Scout program teaches youth through fun activities and adventures such as hiking, nature, science, citizenship, first aid, sports, and more.
The safety of your child while involved in any Scouting activity is the Boy Scouts number one priority. Scouting is all about creating fun, unique opportunities for youth in a safe, protected environment. Scouting has been teaching proper safety techniques and preparation for over 100 years, and the BSA has created safety policies, procedures, leadership selection requirements, and established age-appropriate guidelines for all Scouting activities.
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Scouting Results
Scouting provides youth with an opportunity to try new things, provide service to others, build self-confidence, and reinforce ethical standards. These opportunities not only help them when they are young, but also carry forward into their adult lives by improving their relationships, their work lives, their family lives, and the values by which they live.
A previous Harris Interactive study found that 83 percent of men who were Scouts in their youth agree that the values they learned in Scouting continue to impact their decisions and are important to them today.