Join Scout Night Unit Leader Preparation
Prepare for your Join Scout Night!
If you happened to miss Join Scout Night Training in July, you have
one more chance to attend on Thursday, August 1st at Monfort Heights
United Methodist.
Volunteer Leader Resources
Check out the Volunteer Leader Resources page which contains a list
of valuable resources that will help you recruit new youth, recruit new volunteers, setup a unit, learn about training, and more.

As kids go back to school, it’s also time to invite new Scouts and their families to participate in Scouting.
Throughout August, your Pack should be putting the finishing touches on your program calendar for the upcoming year, setting your budget and dues and starting to promote your Join Scout Night (or Sign-Up event).
- Make sure your Pack’s information is correct at www.beascout.org. Update your BeAScout.org PIN – https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/BeAScout_UnitPin_Management.pdf
- Schedule signup night with school/your district executive. Plan for September 3-13 if you can, but if your signup happens to be outside of these dates it is OK.
- Attend Open Houses/Back to School events. Use the resources we’ve shared with you to make a more attractive display that will catch the eye of kids and parents.
- Promote your Pack (posters, yard signs, Event JSN signup on Facebook).
- Participate and encourage other families from your Pack/Troop to participate in the ScoutSHARE contest. For info and prizes go to www.danbeard.org/scoutshare
- Use tools, resources, templates available on Volunteer Leader Info tab at www.gocubscouts.com