What are some typical Scouting activities? Many people have heard about camping and
learning how to tie knots, but Scouting offers so much more. The best part is, Scouting
offers value based learning opportunities that are fun and enjoyable for the whole family.
Den Meetings—Weekly Cub Scout meetings with boys his own age that include a mixture of games, learning new skills, crafts, education, and a sense of belonging.
Pack Meetings—A once a month meeting where many Dens get together for fun activities, to compete against one another, and to celebrate achievements and advancements over the last month. These can include fishing, nature hikes, behind the scenes tours, and more.
Cuborees—The Dan Beard Council and districts plan cuborees and other outings during the year that give Scouts an opportunity to test their knowledge and skills in competitive events with other packs and kids their age.
Scout Tour—The Dan Beard Council has partnered with many organizations around the city such as the Cincinnati Reds, Kings Island, the Florence Freedom, the Cincinnati Cyclones, and more. Get great Scout family discounts to events and enjoy special Scout perks such as sleeping overnight on the field or getting behind the scenes tours of roller coasters.
Camping—A full size modern pioneer fort, a medieval castle, a miner’s camp, and a mountain man village are just a few of the cool highlights while at summer camp. An adventure experience includes plenty of fun activities such as archery, swimming, and learning about the outdoors at the nature center. Plenty of adventures await at day camps, twilight camps, and Fun with Son camps throughout the course of the summer.
Cub Scout Derbies—Race a model car, sailboat, or miniature rocket in a Cub Scout derby—the pinewood derby, raingutter regatta, or space derby.
Service Projects- Doing service projects together is one way that Cub Scouts keep their promise “to help other people.”
Day hikes—Reasonably short hikes (1 to 10 miles) in terrain without a lot of elevation gain or loss.
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